The Babadook – Credit Titles

James Boorman and Collusion Pictures teamed up to create a homage to the incredibly detailed Babadook pop up book, to help bring it to life again, as a final closing to the movie.

After finishing the visual effect sequences on the Babadook, the director, Jenifer Kent and producer Kristina Ceyton approached KOJO to come up with a creative way to produce the movies credits sequence. We toyed with different methods but the answer was right in front of us.

The pop-up book is prominent in the movie but you really don’t get to appreciate the incredibly detailed pen and ink work that Alexander Juhasz created.

James Boorman and Collusion teamed up to create a homage to this great piece of art, to help bring it to life again, as a final closing to the movie.

A huge thank you goes out to KOJO for letting us loose on this project and to Jenifer and Christina for sending us the original book and other artworks.